Culture, Inclusion Vaisakhi Friday 14th April marks the first day of the month of Vaisakh in the Sikh calendar, which typically falls around mid-...
Culture, Inclusion What Belonging means to the FSP team We've been thinking about Belonging on an individual level. We asked some of our colleagues to share what Belonging m...
Partnership, Strategy Partnership – Helping Clients Shine Our Chief Consulting Officer, Ruth Tank, talks about her passion for partnership.
Change, Training Training to support your digital transformation project Are you aware of the ways in which training can make a significant contribution to the success of your digital transf...
Cyber Security, Microsoft Cyber Security Insight: Exploiting CVE-2023-23397 Following recent security updates for the CVE-2023-23397 vulnerability, our Cyber team would like to highlight the se...
Culture, Inclusion Ramadan Mubarak! An article by Lara AL Dari. What is Ramadan? Ramadan is a sacred month for Muslims around the world. It is a time of ...
Change, Culture Why bother with Training: The business case for upskilling your workforce With so many demands on both budget and time, is it really worth the bother to invest in training?
Culture, Leadership FSP secures investment to support continued expansion We are pleased to announce that FSP have secured additional investment from private equity investor CBPE, alongside o...
Charity, ESG Interview with Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice In February 2023, we were very grateful to be joined by Fiona Devine, Founder of Alexander Devine Children’s Ho...