Breaking Barriers: The True Power of Accessibility in a Digital World

Words by:

Fiona Maher

2 mins 9 October 2024

We’re excited to revisit our previous white paper with a detailed look into “The real meaning of accessibility, disability, and digital transformation.” We want to thoroughly examine these important topics.  

We live in a world that’s more connected than ever, where technology has the power to bridge gaps, break down barriers, and bring people together. But for this to really happen, we need to talk about something fundamental: accessibility. And not just as a buzzword, but as a genuine commitment to inclusivity. Let’s explore what accessibility really means, how it differs from disability, and why making our digital spaces accessible is so important. 

What exactly Is accessibility? 

Imagine you’re at a concert, but you can’t hear the music. Or you’re at a dinner party, but you can’t reach the food. That’s what it’s like for millions of people when technology isn’t accessible.  

Accessibility is about making sure everyone, regardless of their abilities, can enjoy the full experience of the digital world.  

It’s not just about paying lip service and adding a few features here and there; it’s about designing with everyone in mind from the start. 

Accessibility means: 

Websites everyone can use – whether they’re reading with their eyes or their ears. 

Devices everyone can handle – whether they navigate by touch, voice, or something else entirely. 

Content that everyone can understand – whether it’s videos with captions, images with descriptive text, or plain language that everyone can follow. 

Understanding disability in a new light 

Disability isn’t about what’s “wrong” with a person. It’s about the challenges people face when the world isn’t designed to meet their needs. Disabilities come in all shapes and sizes, from physical impairments to sensory and cognitive differences. Often the real issue is the environment or product not being designed to be inclusive for everyone. 

A wheelchair user isn’t disabled until they encounter stairs without a ramp. A person with a visual impairment isn’t disabled until they encounter a website they can’t navigate with a screen reader. Disability is about the interaction between a person’s abilities and the environment around them. 

Accessibility vs. Disability: The key difference 

Disability is a condition; accessibility is the solution. Disability happens when someone encounters a barrier. Accessibility is about removing those barriers before they become a problem. 

If you’re building a house, you don’t wait until someone in a wheelchair shows up to decide to add a ramp; you build the ramp into the original design. The same goes for digital spaces. If we think about accessibility from the start we’re not just catering to a small group; we’re making the digital world better for everyone. 

Why accessible digital transformation matters 

Digital transformation is everywhere; most businesses are online, services are digital, and our lives are more connected by technology. If this digital transformation isn’t accessible, we’re leaving people behind. And that’s not acceptable. 

Accessible digital transformation is about more than just ticking a box; it’s about creating a world where technology works for everyone. It means: 

Designing with inclusion in mind – because why wouldn’t you want everyone to enjoy what you create? 

Staying on top of standards – like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) – to make sure your digital spaces are welcoming to all. 

Continuously improving – because the world doesn’t stand still, and neither should our efforts to make it accessible. 

When we make things accessible, we’re not just helping people with disabilities; we’re making life easier for everyone. Who doesn’t appreciate a well-designed website that’s easy to navigate or a video with captions when they’re in a noisy place? Or take touchless technology – originally created for those with mobility impairments. When we prioritise accessibility, we’re not just checking a box; we’re creating better, more versatile experiences for everyone. 

Let’s make the digital world a better place! 

Accessibility isn’t just about technology; it’s about people. It’s about recognising that everyone deserves the same opportunities to connect, create, and thrive in the digital world. By embracing accessible digital transformation, we’re not just following a trend – we’re setting a standard. We’re saying that everyone matters, and that technology should empower us all, not leave anyone behind. 

If you would like to start your accessibility journey or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Please visit FSP and we can talk.