Attack Simulation & Penetration Testing

Put yourself on the front foot, by spotting and addressing risks before attackers do. Our CREST-certified specialists can test your entire digital footprint, and help you fix vulnerabilities.

Why choose our Attack Simulation and Penetration Testing services?

Safely test your defences

Cyber attacks are a common threat for organisations of all sizes, and having the right protections in place can make all the difference between defending against an attack and falling victim to one.  

We help you to stay prepared by rigorously testing your technology, from end-user devices to cloud platforms. We simulate real-world attacks to identify vulnerabilities and assess your security’s effectiveness. If we find any weaknesses, we work with you to address them, strengthen your defences and keep your organisation secure. 

What FSP offer

Sophisticated simulations

Our CREST certified specialists use a blend of advanced tools and techniques to test your organisation in safe and controlled ways. We can identify and address potential weaknesses through conducting simulated attacks that mimic real-world cyber threats. This proactive approach allows us to see how well your security measures perform under pressure, helping us uncover vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious hackers. 

Focus your investment

Knowing where weaknesses exist means you can target your cyber security spend effectively, ensuring your resources go to the most critical areas. This strategic investment strengthens your defences where they’re needed most, giving you better overall protection. 

Ongoing Support

We work closely with your team to fix issues, enhance security strategies, and monitor for new and emerging threats. This ongoing partnership ensures your defences stay strong and adaptable. 

Change is constant. Move forward with confidence. 

Speak to an FSP expert